
My throught on Liuxiaobo's winning

Civilized world outraged again over China's picking on its Citizens
China also outraged again over civilized world's picking on Nobel prize




1,country, state-》国家

2,traditional chinese medicine -》中药
这个词应该是英文翻中文的,老外都是明白人了,翻得很清楚,强调的是traditional,中文里为什么叫中药而不是传统药呢? 无非是利用“中药”和“西药”的对立关系偷换“传统药”和“现代药”的对立关系,再加上中国的一点就燃的爱国主义和遗毒至今的封建迷信,中医药这种文化历史遗产也就有了巨大的医用市场。


3,drug -》毒品
英文里毒有专门的单词poison, drug就是drug为什么会被翻成毒品呢,中国人对drug的无知我觉得跟这个翻译有很大的关系,极大的误导了人民群众,中国也就成了一个该吸的“毒”不吸,不该吸的“毒”猛吸的奇怪国家。

4,Ecstasy-> 摇头丸








前些天FP评了世界上前五个最HARSH的移民法http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/04/29/the_world_s_worst_immigration_laws?page=0,1 但最后的结论是就算是这五个,也比不上美国这个牛B。













5 Reasons Chinese Goverment Should NOT Legalize Marijuana

"Drug" is translated to "poison" in Chinese when it comes to recreational use. Not only the drugs themselves, but also any drug related discussions and debates are strictly forbidden in China.

The propaganda against drug use is so strong that most mainland Chinese not only have no idea what drug is but also try to avoid any drug related discussion, anyway, only stupid people want to talk about "eating poison".

So it's interesting to think about what will happen if the government legalize some relative harmless drugs, like, marijuana~?

of course they will never do it. I list my top 5 reasons.

#5 People will be so pissed off because
The government put almost no restrictions on tobacco and alcohol use,no matter what's your age, no matter where you are... this is the most important reason why there are 300million people addicted to tobacco, and more than 1million people die from alcohol related disease or accidents every year. anyone has dinnered with local government officials knows most of them like forcing people to drink Chinese wine with 52% ABV,they are just so crazy about cigarettes and alcohol. but at the same time the government runs a ridiculous propaganda against other drugs and heavily punish any people commit an offense. what a weird country...

#4 Why to have problems with lots of money
The tobacco industry brings billions of billions of money to the government every year and shit loads of people work for the state owned tobacco company. and the economy of several provinces heavily rely on tobacco and alcohol. so at least they don't want any drugs can be easily home made...

#3 The opium war...
Every Chinese starts learning "You must love Communist party" kinda things since first grade, and almost all of those things start with the "shame" during Opium war...so the government links their legal status to what they had done to get Chinese out of that miserable "drug" life 100 years ago...

#2 subculture
"Every culture and subculture gets the drugs that it deserves," writes Douglas Rushkoff in his forward to Tim Pilcher's <>, In fact, almost every major cultural movement in history can be traced back to the chemicals it did or did not have. Obviously the CCP doesn't like culture, so they lead the Culture Revolution and then set up a Ministry of Culture to ban all the culture.

#1 It organizes people
Anything that can organizes people are strictly forbidden in China, like facebook and twitter something are seriously blocked by GFW and even cellphone texts are censored nowadays.
how many people are prone to get addicted to drugs in China?imagine the on line computer game addicts in China is 10 times more than the rest of the world combined. How much more fun it is to get stoned than on line computer games?
Imagine again a China's 420 smoke out day, that will be the first thing the government can not control in China

5 Reasons Chinese Government Should Legalize Marijuana

Also, there are 5 Reasons they should legalize marijuana

#5 Save animals in the world
Legalizing marijuana will definitely trigger lots of debate about drugs the first time in China's history, some people will eventually know how to treat drugs with a scientific attitude, so there will be less people eating weird things in China eventually, you know , someone believe eating tiger's penis helps on bed, eating turtle helps living longer...animals are going to be all in zoos or on dinner tables in this way...

#4 tax income
Again, if even the on line computer game addicts are 10 times more than the rest of the world combined, how many pot addicts there can be in China?although the state owned cigarette company would see a huge profit cut, they can make more from issuing a drug tax.

#3 Hemp for Paper making
China is the most polluted country in the world, and people still want more from their land. Hemp has arguably been proven one of the best plant for forest and its high efficiency for paper making. This is exactly what we need.

#2 Better for themselves...
There is a smoking culture in government offices all over China if you don't smoke you're seen as a different guy and will never get promoted. so if you have to smoke something , why not marijuana,which has been proven less harmful than tobacco no matter in terms of dependence or physics harm.

#1 Relax People
There are tens of thousands of protests in China each year, most of them become serious riots eventually. if the CCP wants making more money , they have to keep fucking Chinese people, how can you calm down all those miserable lads? Get them stoned!