
Top 10 things Keep China away from a developed country

#10: "naked" KTV
The expensive "naked"KTV make the prostitutes less available to normal Chinese guys,if only the rich business man or government officials can pay for sex , you can not say China is a developed country.

#9: Japanese Porn
Every developed country has porn industry, but if the Japanese keep making decent porn, which can be easily downloaded, Chinese don't bother to make their own.

#8: Hot pot
There're too many sichuan restaurants and hot pot places in every single city of china, once you get addicted to spicy food, you'll have less requirements about food quality.

#7: Olympic medals
The Olympic achievements make Chinese feel so better when it comes to sports, but I don't think women weigh lifting or letting two people dive at the same time are real sports, even pingpong, I never know any Chinese who actually paid for a live pingpong match except Olympic ones. The fact is we don't play sports, we don't even watch sports.

#6: Cantonese pop
It's all about let cute girls singing lovely songs or pretending to be cool guys sing some "heartbreaking" songs. China needs real music.

#5: Club MIX
It's too easy to get laid even for guys as normal as myself if we try to visit clubs like MIX regularly , which are more and more like a burning cash place with lots of Chinese guys trying to flirt with girls by shaking fucking dice, so Chinese are too busy having sex that no one bothers to work harder

#4: Cigarette
It's more likely to be hit by a crashing plane than seeing a Chinese smoking marijuana on China's streets , While there are more than 350,000,000 people in China smoking cigarette everyday, so I think we need to figure out what "drug" actually means.

#3: George W Bush
This poor guy let Chinese know that democracy is not always "good", especially when you have a wrong guy as your president for some reason.

#2: Dalai Lama
This guy is so powerful that he can make all the western world have a bias on our "Great, Glory, always right" communist Party .

#1: Beer
The beer in China is so cheap even the most famous Qingdao beer is only about 3rmb/bottle, so it's too easy to get drunk and many smart guys like me know we should take this advantage, so much more time is spent on dealing with hangover than doing real works.

